Long Forms
Daughters of Django |US| 86 pages Writer: Allen Ling The first story arc of a graphic novel western with the likes of “Charlie’s Angels” meets “Django Unchained.” When three sister-warriors unite to search for their missing father, and have to face off with the Ku Klux Klan and other unfriendlies, the action only begins! |
Genesis II |US| 200 pages Writer: Allen Ling In a dystopian future full of terrorism and global warming, two childhood friends, Daniel and Lee/Lisa use their knowledge and genius to combat evil and defend humanity. An epic tale that sapns 7 chapters and over 200 pages. |
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Greener Pastures #8 |Australia| 34 pages Writer: Time McEwen, Louis Perdy Trevor the bull and his best mates Colin are in for a night of sex and violence when their flatmate Caesar drags them along to a night club to watch the 1997 Miss Universe Pageant broadcast. |
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Hawk the Kitty |US| 83 pages Writer: April Yu Meet Hawk, a friendly, creative cat with a knack for inventing clever machines to solve everyday problems! Whether it’s figuring out how to reach a high shelf, making breakfast faster, or helping his friends with tricky dilemmas, Hawk’s inventive mind always leads to exciting new creations. Created by an 11-year-old author, Hawk The Kitty is full of fun adventures, quirky gadgets, and heartwarming moments that will inspire readers of all ages to think outside the box and embrace their own creativity. Join Hawk on his whimsical journey of discovery, friendship, and endless possibilities! |
Story Monster Among Us |United States|44 pages Writer: Conrad J Storad Story Monsters Among Us: A Brief History of Human Storytelling, by award-winning children’s author Conrad J. Storad, whisks readers away on a journey spanning 50,000 years to discover the origins of storytelling—from the Chauvet Cave painters of southern France to the brothers Grimm to modern-day stories in the digital age. |
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The Rescuer |US| 83 pages Writer: Allen Ling A super hero with a conscience, Roy “The Rescuer” embarks on his own journey of self-discovery, as a hero, a soldier, and a rescuer. Tortured by the loss of the love of his life, he struggles to discover if justice can bring peace to his troubled soul. |
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